Release Notes
March 2023
- General:
- Performance, Security, and Stability improvements
- Resolves:
- [CVE-2023-22797] Possible Open Redirect Vulnerability in Action Pack
- [CVE-2022-44566] Possible Denial of Service Vulnerability in ActiveRecord’s PostgreSQL
- [CVE-2023-22795] Possible ReDoS based DoS vulnerability in Action Dispatch
- [CVE-2023-22794] SQL Injection Vulnerability via ActiveRecord comments
- [CVE-2023-22796] Possible ReDoS based DoS vulnerability in Active Support’s underscore
- [CVE-2023-22792] Possible ReDoS based DoS vulnerability in Action Dispatch
- General:
- Recognition Wall Viewer for Public:
- General:
- Performance, Security, and Stability improvements
- Upgraded from Rails version 7.0.4 to (current).
- Upgraded from Ruby version 3.1.7 to 3.2.1 (current).
- Performance, Security, and Stability improvements
- Resolves:
- [CVE-2023-22797] Possible Open Redirect Vulnerability in Action Pack
- [CVE-2022-44566] Possible Denial of Service Vulnerability in ActiveRecord’s PostgreSQL
- [CVE-2023-22795] Possible ReDoS based DoS vulnerability in Action Dispatch
- [CVE-2023-22794] SQL Injection Vulnerability via ActiveRecord comments
- [CVE-2023-22796] Possible ReDoS based DoS vulnerability in Active Support’s underscore
- [CVE-2023-22792] Possible ReDoS based DoS vulnerability in Action Dispatch
- General:
- General:
- Performance, Security, and Stability improvements
- Resolves:
- [CVE-2023-22797] Possible Open Redirect Vulnerability in Action Pack
- [CVE-2022-44566] Possible Denial of Service Vulnerability in ActiveRecord’s PostgreSQL
- [CVE-2023-22795] Possible ReDoS based DoS vulnerability in Action Dispatch
- [CVE-2023-22794] SQL Injection Vulnerability via ActiveRecord comments
- [CVE-2023-22796] Possible ReDoS based DoS vulnerability in Active Support’s underscore
- [CVE-2023-22792] Possible ReDoS based DoS vulnerability in Action Dispatch
- General:
- SF 00205795 – GOL Enhancement – Capturing size for 2nd Gift for NXJ
- Recognition Wall Album:
- SF 00204960 – Rec Wall Album — Issue with Manager Post Dislocation & No manager post case
- Surveys (MCFApps):
- SF 00205375 – Survey Template Adjustment – style for a new addition to the general survey template
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
February 2023
- R4 layout includes WCAG improvements
- Security Updates
- Minor Improvements and bug fixes
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
December 2022
- Security:
- Resolved CVE-2021-33621: HTTP response splitting in CGI.
- Security:
- Recognition Wall Viewer for Public:
- Performance and stability improvements
- Security:
- Resolved CVE-2021-33621: HTTP response splitting in CGI.
- Recognition Notes:
- Security:
- Resolved CVE-2021-33621: HTTP response splitting in CGI.
- Security:
- General:
- Removed COVID-19 message.
- Updated the editing default to disable names on checkout.
- General:
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
November 2022
- Performance and stability improvements
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
October 2022
- General:
- (Fixed) Addressed an issue where, under certain circumstances, the FAQ button became partially obscured by flash messages.
- Performance Improvements:
- Removed calls to decommissioned web services.
- Removed legacy framework defaults.
- Under the hood:
- (New) US zip code format validation
- General:
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
April 2022
- Fixed the issue with multi-signer text font color
- Fixed the issue with hyperlink color on FAQ
- Updated the footer copyright to 2022
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
January 2022
- Added missing Polish translations
- Increased employee ID field length
- Filter Category option for ‘Toys, kid, baby” for responsive 3 layout
- Fixed an issue with the language pulldown for multiple languages and color schemes
- Recognition Wall:
- Fixed an issue with ecard images appearing blurry on modal pop-up
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
November 2021
- Responsive 3+ improvements to the user experience.
- Upgraded underlying library (Bootstrap) on the recognition cards page.
- Web service to support Recognition Wall Viewer for Public (RWVP)
- Other minor tickets
- Recognition Wall:
- Web service to support Recognition Wall Viewer for Public (RWVP)
- Recognition Wall for Public released into production.
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
October 2021
- Version
- Home Page:
- (NEW) Certificate notes – optional card assigned to one person who functions as a certificate producer. Requires population data.
- Addressed an issue where notes scheduled in the future showed time using GMT rather than the user’s time zone.
- Registrations:
- (NEW) Added eea_resident to the form.
- (NEW) Added eea_country to the form.
- Confirmations:
- (NEW) Added eea_resident to the form.
- (NEW) Added eea_country to the form.
- My Profile:
- Edit Note form:
- (NEW) Added eea_resident to the form.
- (NEW) Added eea_country to the form.
- Show Note form:
- Added the time to the ‘send date’ field.
- Index:
- Addressed an issue where scheduled noted displayed time using GMT rather than the user’s time zone.
- Edit Note form:
- Notebook:
- (NEW) Added a ‘Copies’ tab that is only visible for population data configured companies with managers that receive notes when the ‘copy manager’ check box is checked.
- Improved internationalization of the tabs.
- Emails:
- Note email:
- Separated the manager’s note to a separate email that doesn’t include the reply or view notebook links.
- Corrected a typographic error.
- (NEW) Send Manager’s Note email
- Import Report email:
- (NEW) Added an overview table that includes counts of new, updated, disabled, and failed records.
- Note email:
- Admin Page:
- Dashboards and Reports:
- General:
- Addressed an issue where, under certain conditions, red text printed in black.
- Company Card Waterfall section:
- (NEW) Display disabled card names in red.
- (NEW) Added a legend to explain the red-colored card names.
- Department Card Waterfall section:
- (NEW) Display disabled card names in red.
- (NEW) Added a legend to explain the red-colored card names.
- General:
- Reports:
- (NEW) Birthdays section
- Company Cards section:
- (NEW) Added an option to hide inactive cards.
- Company Cards Details sub-section:
- Addressed an issue where certain columns would not properly hide when viewed on mobile devices.
- Company Departments section:
- (NEW) added ‘CC Manager’ column.
- (NEW) Added an option to hide inactive cards.
- Company Recognition Sentiment section:
- (NEW) Added an option to hide inactive cards.
- Department Cards section:
- Addressed an issue where certain columns would not properly hide when viewed on mobile devices.
- Department Recognition Sentiment section:
- (NEW) Added an option to hide inactive cards.
- Disabled Email Accounts section:
- (NEW) Employees with Alternate Departments section.
- Notes Details section:
- (NEW) Certificates Details section
- Schedule Notes section:
- (NEW) Hid the sender email address and recipient email address on mobile devices.
- Account Settings:
- Departments:
- (NEW) Added ‘CC Manager’ field to set copy manager as default for department emails.
- Departments:
- Member Management:
- Permissions:
- Addressed an issue where, under certain circumstances, the cancel warning dialog displayed over one time.
- Import:
- Addressed an issue where, under certain circumstances, new employees were registered as special.
- (NEW) Added counts of ‘disabled’ and ‘unknown_disabled’ accounts.
- Permissions:
- Dashboards and Reports:
- ActiveAdmin:
- Dashboard Page:
- (NEW) Added ‘Recent Note Volume’ panel that shows the past seven-day activity.
- Domain Page:
- (NEW) Added ‘Confirmed Plus Members’ count to the show page.
- (NEW) EEA Countries
- Person Page:
- Changed ‘note sent’ panel contents to descending order by date.
- Changed ‘notes received’ panel contents to descending order by date.
- (NEW) Added eea_resident field to show and edit pages.
- (NEW) Added eea_country field to show and edit pages.
- Note Page:
- Added the cc column to the index page.
- Added the cc filed to the show page.
- Dashboard Page:
- Security:
- Updated all script tags to include nonce attribute.
- Home Page:
- Version
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
April 2021
- General:
- Addressed an issue where under certain conditions, an email error message displays rather than the correct error for incorrect state/province.
- (Improvement) Added id attribute to the “Choose this Gift” button.
- Mobile:
- Addressed an issue where Arabic the phone number was cut off the return policy.
- Addressed an issue where the phone number text color same as the background color for French users.
- Privacy Policy: Addressed an issue where the privacy policy font was incorrect.
- Security Improvements:
- (Improvement) Logout button redirects and ask for login details.
- (Improvement) Employee information shown in URL on Create PDF on R3 Page and download PDF without Login.
- (Improvement) Prevent direct URL browses company with no browse configuration.
- (Improvement) Search and Filter works with direct URL and gives error without company code.
- (Improvement) Some direct URL links redirect to Error Page.
- (Improvement) Contact Form security Testing: Fixed an issue where the browser Hangs when the user enters an invalid Email Id.
- (Improvement) Bulk shows View Celebratory messages and there are no ecards.
- Addressed an issue where a console error on the company login screen occurs when the user clicked forgot password.
- Addressed an issue where the contact form’s email field accepted invalid email id when Contact by Phone is selected.
- Addressed an issue where a direct link after user login redirects to the gift selection page.
- General:
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
March 2020
- General:
- (NEW) Added modal dialog to select optionally between multiple source codes.
- Replaced multiple selection lists with a calendar control to accept a date.
- Security:
- (NEW) Added anti-clickjacking protection for older browsers.
- Moved database credentials to the encrypted credentials datastore.
- Pick an Award:
- Minor styling update to the product description box.
- Minor placement update to the product image.
- Addressed an issue where changing the award type cleared the new selection after clicking the okay button on the dialog box.
- Summary Tab:
- (NEW) Hide the Recipient Type if display_recipient_type attribute is true.
- Do not display image if the image is unavailable.
- Display appropriate column headers for retirement awards.
- (NEW) Hide the billing information when the show_billing_information attribute is false.
- Email:
- (NEW) Hide the terms and conditions when not defined.
- (NEW) Hide the billing information when the show_billing_information attribute is false.
- (NEW) Hide the receipt type when the display_billing_information attribute is false.
- General:
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
January 2020
- Version
- Notes form:
- (NEW) Added buttons for users that are part of companies with population data AND special_rules enabled to send notes to non-population email addresses.
- Notebook:
- Addressed an issue where under certain circumstances, clicking the unfavorite button could adversely affect note placement.
- Addressed an issue where the favorite and unfavorite icons printed with the incorrect colors.
- Emails:
- Note email:
- Addressed an issue where the special attribute was incorrectly set for recipients added through sent notes.
- Note email:
- Admin Page:
- Dashboard Designer Modal:
- (NEW) All Members Pie Chart panel.
- (NEW) Department Card Waterfall Chart panel.
- (NEW) Department Sentiment Radar Chart panel.
- (NEW) Non-Plus Members Pie Chart panel.
- (NEW) Plus Member Pie Chart panel.
- (NEW) Plus Non-Confirmed Pie Chart panel.
- Dashboard Designer form:
- Improved placement of the help icon on each section tile.
- Improved the way section parameters work.
- Report Designer Modal:
- (NEW) All Members Pie Chart panel.
- (NEW) Department Card Waterfall Chart panel.
- (NEW) Department Recognition Sentiment panel.
- (NEW) Department Sentiment Radar Chart panel.
- (NEW) Non-Plus Members Pie Chart panel.
- (NEW) Plus Member Pie Chart panel.
- (NEW) Plus Non-Confirmed Pie Chart panel.
- Report Designer form:
- Improved placement of the help icon on each section tile.
- Improved the way section parameters work.
- Dashboards and Reports:
- General:
- System level section can override default attributes.
- Waterfall Charts:
- Addressed an issue where the drop line would not extend to the x axis for tall charts.
- Pie Charts:
- Reduced the legend font size to 11 point.
- (NEW) All Members Pie Chart.
- Company Sentiment Radar Chart section:
- Limit company sentiments to those associated with company level cards.
- Sort by sentiment name for consistent output.
- (NEW) Department Card Waterfall Chart section.
- (NEW) Department Sentiment Radar Chart section.
- Sort by sentiment name for consistent output.
- (NEW) Non-Plus Members Pie Chart.
- Plus Confirmed Pie Chart section:
- Renamed from ‘Confirmed Plus Pie Chart’ for improved consistency.
- (NEW) Plus Member Pie Chart.
- (NEW) Plus Non-Confirmed Pie Chart section.
- General:
- Reports:
- General:
- (NEW) Key section data appears as part of section title.
- Updated footer related sections to exclude all unselected sections.
- Addressed an issue where column sorting was not available until after a page refresh.
- System Default Report:
- Disabled HR Invalidated Email Accounts section.
- Disabled Non-Confirmed Plus Members section.
- Disabled Special Email Accounts section.
- Company Departments section:
- Addressed an issue where the department notes sent does not agree with other report sections.
- Company Recognition Sentiment section:
- Limited company sentiments to those associated with company level cards.
- Department Cards section:
- Removes self-referencing related sections entry.
- Added overview section entry.
- (NEW) Department Recognition Sentiment section
- Index section:
- Updated titles for sections that include parameter value.
- (NEW) Notes Details section – optional
- Overview section:
- Reformatted the members group for improved clarity.
- Reformatted the excluded members group for improved clarity.
- Updated the Related sections list to include relevant new report sections.
- (NEW) Notes scheduled count.
- Top Recipients section:
- (NEW) Count appears in the section title.
- Top Senders section:
- (NEW) Count appears in the section title.
- General:
- Account Settings:
- Improved the clarity of the tooltip associated with the Account Settings menu.
- Member Management:
- HR Invalidated Members:
- Set the SK field when an email account is removed from HR_invalidated.
- Addressed an issue where some buttons displayed unlined text on mouseover.
- HR Invalidated Members:
- Dashboard Designer Modal:
- Under The Hood:
- General:
- Improved the check for emails belonging in a company’s allowed_domains list.
- Internationalized alert text in registrations.js.
- Internationalized alert text in notebook.js.
- Configuration Changes:
- Replaced the classic autoloader with the preferred Zeitwerk autoloader.
- Made Active Record use stable #cache_key alongside new #cache_version method.
- Made ‘form_with’ generate id attributes for any generated HTML tags.
- Return false instead of self when enqueuing is aborted from a callback.
- Sent Active Storage analysis and purge jobs to dedicated queues.
- When assigning to a collection of attachments declared via ‘has_many_attached,’ replace existing attachments instead of appending.
- Use ActionMailer::MailDeliveryJob for sending parameterized and normal mail.
- Enabled the same cache key to be reused when the object being cached of type ‘ActiveRecord::Relation’ changes by moving the volatile information of the relation’s cache key into the cache version to support recycling cache key.
- General:
- Security:
- Use AES-256-GCM authenticated encryption for encrypting messages instead of AES-256-CBC.
- Added default protection from forgery to ActionController::Base instead of in ApplicationController.
- Use SHA-1 instead of MD5 to generate non-sensitive digests, such as the ETag header.
- Don’t force requests from old versions of IE to be UTF-8 encoded.
- Embedded purpose and expiry metadata inside signed and encrypted cookies for increased security.
- Changed the return value of ‘ActionDispatch::Response#content_type’ to Content-Type header without modification.
- Send Note Form:
- Updated recaptcha to use TurboLinks.
- Added nonce attribute to JavaScript tag.
- Notes form:
- Version
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
December 2019
- Template enhancements.
- Time-out redirect breaks if user clicks on item detail.
- International email setup.
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
October 2019
- General:
- Improved instructions modal font size to improve formatting and readability.
- Addressed an issue where, at certain screen widths, the instructions modal displayed wider than the screen resolution.
- Addressed an issue where field validations produced browser console errors when attempting to clear nonexistent error messages.
- ‘Pick an Award’ partial:
- Addressed an issue where, at certain screen widths, the product image could become distorted.
- Addressed an issue where, at certain screen widths, the price, if present, could overwrite its label.
- Addressed an issue where, at certain screen widths, the product image could obscure the price, if present.
- Addressed an issue where, at certain screen widths, the product image could obscure the CA Prop 65 link, if present.
- Addressed an issue where the CA Prop 65 modal would not close.
- Addressed an issue where the change warning dialog cancel button cleared the previous Team/Individual selection.
- Under the hood:
- Updated application to use encrypted credentials.
- Improved performance.
- Technology Updates.
- General:
- Version
- What’s New page:
- Updated the details about the new Favorites notebook tab.
- Join NotesPlus form:
- Addressed an issue where under certain rare circumstances, the search key value was not set.
- Addressed an issue where under certain rare circumstances, the domain was saved with the wrong case.
- Send Note form:
- All address lookup and manually entered recipient information for companies with population data that use special mode.
- My Profile:
- (NEW) Added Favorites count on the ‘Your Account Highlights’ pane.
- (NEW) Added a pill on the ‘Upcoming Notes’ menu containing the upcoming notes count.
- (NEW) Added hyperlinks to notebook tabs from non-zero items under ‘Lifetime:’
- Notebook:
- (NEW) Added a ‘Favorite’ tab
- (NEW) Added a favorite toggle (heart icon in the upper right corner) to each note.
- Improved tooltip text for viewed (green checkmark) icon.
- Addressed a page layout issue affecting users who are not logged in.
- Emails:
- Note email:
- Improved resiliency when an email contains missing company logo or card art.
- Addressed an issue where under certain rare circumstances, the timezone is not set for new unknown email addresses.
- Note email:
- Admin Page:
- Dashboards and Reports:
- Sentiment Radar Chart section.
- Renamed to ‘Company Sentiment Radar Chart’
- Card Waterfall Chart section.
- Renamed to ‘Company Card Waterfall Chart’
- Sentiment Radar Chart section.
- Reports:
- Company Cards section:
- (NEW) Added table footer with the total for the notes column.
- Department Cards section:
- (NEW) Added ‘No Assigned Department’ as the last row with people and notes counts.
- (NEW) Added table footer with the total for the notes column.
- Removed the legend. (no longer necessary with the ‘No Assigned Department’ row.)
- Addressed an issue where ‘shared with’ indicated ‘Others’ rather than ‘None.’
- Company Departments section:
- (NEW) Department Cards Sent column.
- (NEW) Total Cards Sent column.
- (NEW) Legend added to the footer.
- Updated Employee Count format.
- Updated Cards count format.
- Updated Total format.
- Unsubscribed Email Accounts section:
- Updated report to sort by email address.
- Updated Total format.
- Blocked Email Accounts section:
- Updated report to sort by email address.
- Updated Total format.
- Disabled Email Accounts section:
- Updated report to sort by email address.
- Updated Total format.
- HR Invalidated Email Accounts section:
- Updated report to sort by email address.
- Updated Total format.
- Non-Confirmed Plus Members section:
- Updated Total format.
- Significant performance improvements.
- Top Senders section:
- (NEW) Count of notes sent by top senders.
- Performance improvements.
- Top Recipients section:
- (NEW) Count of notes received by top recipients.
- Performance improvements.
- Note Open Rate section:
- Fixed an issue where division by zero displays ‘NaN.’ Replaced with zero.
- Special Email Accounts section:
- Updated Total format.
- HR Administrators section:
- Updated Total format.
- Set the initial sort order by email address.
- Recognition Sentiment section:
- Renamed as ‘Company Recognition Sentiment’ section.
- Company Cards section:
- Account Settings:
- Advanced Settings:
- Improved the way missing logos are updated.
- Addressed an issue where ‘Delete FAQ Page Marquee’ failed.
- Addressed an issue where ‘Delete Home Page Marquee’ failed.
- (NEW) Department index page, show, and edit forms.
- Advanced Settings:
- Employee Management:
- Employee Management
- Removed a stray </div> tag.
- Employee Management
- Employee Management:
- Import:
- Set employee’s special attribute to false when the employee is included in the population spreadsheet.
- Import:
- Dashboards and Reports:
- Under The Hood:
- Added checks to prevent emailing scheduled notes for opted_out, disabled, blocked, and hr_invalidated senders or recipients.
- Addressed a typographical error with a message about the sender’s email address being hr_invalidated.
- (NEW) Person can have an ‘include with department.’ If present, it is treated as their assigned department.
- Migrated application-specific keys to encrypted credentials.
- What’s New page:
- Version
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
August 2019
- Security improvement:
- Updated Sophos UTM from Version 9.603-1 to 9.605-1.
- Security improvement:
- Version
- General:
- Updated the company information in the terms and conditions text.
- Updated the application favicon.
- Join NotesPlus form:
- (NEW) Allow email added with population data to receive validation email rather than a flash message.
- My Profile:
- (NEW) Display ‘Scheduled’ section when the company account has allow_events enabled.
- Improved the vertical spacing of ‘Your Account Highlights’ section.
- Removed label redundancies.
- Removed date of birth year from the form.
- Addressed an issue where the wrong date field was displayed when showing a scheduled note.
- Notes Form:
- Improved the first name lookup performance significantly for population data.
- Addressed an issue where the submit button validation executed multiple times.
- Addressed an issue where replying to a note while not logged in failed to validate.
- Addressed an issue where validation of the recipient email address failed when the user logged in mid-form after previously entering a blocked, disabled, or hr_invalidated email address.
- Notebook:
- Increased the vertical height of the note message area.
- Reduced the note footer height and improved footer item placement.
- Updated the page where moving the mouse over the sort icons changes the cursor icon.
- Addressed an issue where repeated clicks of any sort button caused images and messages to alternate positions.
- Addressed an issue where the first click on the ‘sort by date’ switch had no effect.
- Addressed an issue where after archiving or unarchiving, items on sent and received tabs could be incorrectly sorted.
- Addressed an issue where the animation was not executed when archiving or unarchiving a note.
- Addressed an issue where the viewed indicator (green checkmark) for sent notes was not properly displayed when archiving or unarchiving a note.
- Addressed an issue where the responding_to indicator (blue chain links) for received and sent notes was not properly displayed when archiving or unarchiving a note.
- Emails:
- Note Email:
- Addressed a cosmetic issue when the email is viewed using Outlook 16 (Window 7, Windows 10, Windows 10 – 120dpi).
- Upcoming Notes Email:
- Addressed a cosmetic issue when the email is viewed using Outlook 16 (Window 7, Windows 10, Windows 10 – 120dpi).
- Goal Met Email:
- Addressed a cosmetic issue when the email is viewed using Outlook 16 (Window 7, Windows 10, Windows 10 – 120dpi).
- Goal Short Email:
- Addressed a cosmetic issue when the email is viewed using Outlook 16 (Window 7, Windows 10, Windows 10 – 120dpi).
- HR Weekly Digest:
- (NEW) Added Scheduled Emails table grouped by company.
- Restructured the Email Activity table grouped by company.
- Note Email:
- Disclosure form:
- Improved form placement.
- Admin Page:
- Menu:
- Dashboard submenu:
- (NEW) Added all hr_admin user’s dashboards.
- (NEW) Added a menu item highlight to the displayed dashboard.
- (NEW) Added a horizontal separator between the dashboards and dashboard designer.
- Report submenu:
- (NEW) Added all hr_admin user’s reports.
- (NEW) Added a menu item highlight to the displayed report.
- (NEW) Added a horizontal separator between the reports and report designer.
- Dashboard submenu:
- Dashboard Designer Modal:
- Updated the default dashboard button (flag icon) behavior also to toggle.
- Updated the default dashboard button tooltip.
- Report Designer Modal:
- Updated the default report button (flag icon) behavior also to toggle.
- Updated the default report button tooltip.
- Addressed an issue where attempting to show a non-default report failed.
- Addressed an issue where the default icon tooltip did not display properly.
- Dashboards:
- Performance improvements.
- Reports:
- Overview section.
- Updated people count to exclude hr_invalidated people.
- Company Card Details section:
- Updated the initial sort order to card order, ascending, and start date, descending.
- Improved column sizing.
- Department Card Details section:
- Updated the initial sort order to card order, ascending, and start date, descending.
- Improved column sizing.
- Card Waterfall Section:
- Addressed an issue where card counts were artificially high.
- Allowed Only Domains Section:
- Updated initial sort order to the Name column.
- Blocked Domains Section:
- Updated initial sort order to the Name column.
- Top Senders:
- Removed email addresses that are hr_invalidated, blocked, disabled, or opted out.
- Top Recipients:
- Removed email addresses that are hr_invalidated, blocked, disabled, or opted out.
- Recognition Sentiment section:
- Added details to the legend in the footer.
- Added Cards column to mobile view.
- Updated the sort order of card names field in the cards column. Active primary, display name secondary.
- Minor formatting tweaks to the column spacing.
- Addressed an issue where under certain circumstances user-initiated column sorting occurred multiple times per click.
- Performance improvements.
- Overview section.
- Account Settings:
- Permissions:
- (NEW) Allow HR Super Admin to bulk send confirmation emails. (The default is checked.)
- Permissions:
- Employee Management:
- (NEW) Import Results Email – provides fine-grain details about an import to the HR_SUPER_ADMINs.
- Employee Management:
- Significantly faster form rendering.
- Send Confirmation Emails form:
- (NEW) Hide the ‘Send Confirmation Emails’ menu item when ‘Allow HR Super Admin to bulk send confirmation emails’ is unchecked.
- Disabled the Submit button when the list is empty or no items are selected.
- Significantly faster form rendering.
- Member Management:
- Removed date of birth year from show and edit forms.
- Removed mail_to hyperlink from all forms.
- Employee Management:
- Import:
- Improved performance.
- Import:
- Menu:
- Under The Hood:
- Improved encryption on blind index fields.
- Improved flash messaging.
- Significant database query performance improvements.Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
- General:
- Version
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
June 2019
- Security improvement:
- Updated Sophos UTM from Version 9.510-5 to 9.603-1.
- Security improvement:
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
April 2019
- Security improvements:
- Added HTTP Strict-Transport-Security response header instructing browsers to only be accessed using HTTPS.
- Added the X-Content-Type-Options response HTTP header to prevent the MIME types advertised in the Content-Type headers from being changed.
- Migrated to Content Security Policy to help guard against cross-site scripting attacks.
- Added the X-Frame-Options HTTP response header to avoid clickjacking attacks, by ensuring that iframe content is not embedded into other sites.
- Added additional clickjacking prevention to support older browsers.
- Confirmed all cookies are secure and Http-Only in code.
- Improved CSRF protections.
- Security improvements:
- Version
- General:
- (NEW) Recognition Notes is SAML capable.
- Devise Pages:
- General:
- Addressed an issue where using the links at the bottom of the form could take you to a page with an incorrect header logo.
- Reset Password:
- Addressed an issue where under certain conditions an incorrect header logo was displayed.
- General:
- Home Page:
- Addressed an issue where the card title, if present, printed in black rather than the screen colors.
- Addressed an issue where card titles were misplaced on very small mobile devices.
- Note Form:
- Addressed an issue where the recipient’s email domain was not confirmed against the company’s allowed_domains or blocked_domains lists.
- Addressed an issue where the sender’s email domain was not confirmed against the company’s allowed_domains or blocked_domains lists.
- What’s new page:
- Improved the annotations on the notebook_detail image.
- Clarified the meaning of a footnote.
- Admin Page:
- Dashboards/Reports:
- Significant performance improvements.
- Pie Charts:
- Improved text placement within arcs.
- Added thousands separator.
- Card Waterfall Charts:
- Added thousands separator.
- Dashboard Designer/Report Designer:
- (NEW) Show report sections based on company account settings.
- Reports:
- Non-Confirmed Members section:
- Addressed a cosmetic issue where the total line appeared incomplete.
- Significant performance improvement.
- Allowed Only Email Domains section:
- (NEW) Added a total line to the table footer.
- Blocked Email Domains section:
- (NEW) Added a total line to the table footer.
- Unsubscribed Email Accounts section:
- (NEW) Added a total line to the table footer.
- Blocked Emails Accounts section:
- (NEW) Added a total line to the table footer.
- Disabled Email Accounts section:
- (NEW) Added a total line to the table footer.
- HR Invalidated Email Accounts section:
- (NEW) Added a total line to the table footer.
- HR Administrators section:
- (NEW) Added a total line to the table footer.
- Special Email Accounts section:
- (NEW) Added a total line to the table footer.
- (NEW) Show Special section when company’s use_special is set.
- Recognition Sentiment section:
- (NEW) Display disabled cards in red.
- (NEW) Added a legend to the table footer.
- (NEW) Unknown People section.
- (NEW) Show Department Cards section when the company has departments.
- (NEW) Show Company Departments section when the company has departments.
- Non-Confirmed Members section:
- Account Setting:
- Advanced:
- Improved render efficiency.
- Advanced:
- Employee Management:
- Import Employee Spreadsheet:
- Improved import performance
- Import Employee Spreadsheet:
- Dashboards/Reports:
- General:
- Version
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
March 2019
- Version 2.2.3:
- General:
- New art:
- Happy Birthday – cupcake with a single lit candle.
- Get Well – teddy bear with a bandage.
- Congrats! – Horn and confetti.
- Updated art:
- Rescaled all 300X389 cards to 4 times original size and generated all intermediate sizes.
- Rescaled all 900X500 cards to 4 times original size and generated all intermediate sizes.
- Accessibility improvements
- Improved favicons.
- Improved look and placement of table column sorting icons.
- Discontinued support for Google G+ social media.
- New art:
- (NEW) Events
- (NEW) Person profile page:
- Added page to manage events.
- Added a link to view scheduled recognition notes.
- Added a link to update scheduled recognition notes.
- Added a link to delete scheduled recognition notes.
- (NEW) Recognition reminders and goals:
- Added, “Remind me about upcoming scheduled recognition.”
- Added “My weekly Recognition Notes goal.”
- Added page to manage events.
- Notebook:
- Added a recipient reply link to received notes.
- Improved the way note messages display.
- Improved email tracking for email clients when the user clicks the back-at-you button (if the email view was not previously recorded).
- Addressed an issue on the sent tab where the sender’s email address is displayed rather than the recipient’s email address.
- Added a responding to indicator showing note is a reply to another note. (Both sender and recipient)
- Added a link to the responding to indicator that shows the note responded to.
- Added tooltips to the icons.
- Note Page:
- Improved the validation messaging for the recipient email field.
- Add checkbox to CC manager (available for pop data and employee with the identifiable manager)
- Add feature to set a future note delivery date.
- Log in while mid-entry without losing your note.
- Addressed an issue where on certain browsers duplicate editor controls display.
- Addressed an issue where certain browsers did not disable autocomplete.
- Addressed an issue where under certain conditions an email address with an unknown domain would be blocked for the default company.
- Log In, Join Notes Plus, Forgot/Change Password, Resent Confirmation Instructions
- Internationalized text.
- Links:
- Centered links at bottom of forms.
- Simplified text.
- Resend confirmation email form:
- Added field validation.
- Change password form:
- Added field validations.
- Join Notes Plus form:
- Removed redundant link to ‘Join Notes Plus’.
- Addressed an issue causing the fields jump after the ‘next’ button is pressed.
- Improved form layout.
- Improve email check.
- Mailers:
- Weekly Digest Email:
- Addressed an issue where under certain conditions the card title text color was not properly rendered.
- Addressed an issue where under certain conditions an incorrect label was displayed.
- (NEW) Goal Emails:
- (NEW) Goal Met Emails
- (NEW) Time Running Out Email
- (NEW) Hr_admin_digest_report email:
- (NEW) Member_goal_reminder email
- (NEW) Upcoming_event email
- Weekly Digest Email:
- For HR Administrators:
- Profile:
- Menu/Navigation pane:
- Removed excessive white space above and below menus.
- Addressed an issue preventing Member Management >> Blocked Members from becoming highlighted.
- Added tooltips to menu icons buttons.
- Menu/Navigation pane:
- Dashboards:
- Add links to related hr_admin forms for HR_SUPER_ADMIN only.
- Improved no data message.
- Performance improvements.
- Charts:
- Card Waterfall Chart Section:
- Addressed an issue where excessive blank space displayed below the image.
- Addressed an issue where horizontal rows could become crowded.
- Card Waterfall Chart Section:
- Reports:
- Add links to related hr_admin forms for HR_SUPER_ADMIN only.
- Related sections sorted alphabetically.
- (NEW) Department section. (Useful for population data only!)
- Improved no data message.
- Overview Section:
- Added ‘Departments’ to the General group.
- Added ‘Active Department Cards’ to the Cards group.
- Added ‘Inactive Department Cards’ to the Cards group.
- Updated ‘Total Cards’ to include Active and Inactive Department Cards.
- Cards Section:
- Renamed to ‘Company Cards’
- Cards Detail:
- Addressed an issue where the ‘Show Name’ and ‘Active’ columns would not sort.
- Renamed to ‘Company Card Details’
- (NEW) Department Card Section.
- Card Waterfall Chart Section:
- Addressed an issue where excessive blank space displayed below the image.
- Addressed an issue where horizontal rows could become crowded.
- (NEW) Special Members
- Non-Confirmed Plus Members:
- Added total count in section footer.
- Profile:
- For HR Super Adminstrators:
- Members:
- (NEW) Subscribed previously unsubscribed members
- (NEW) Subscribed previously unsubscribed non-members
- (NEW) Unsubscribe Members
- (NEW) Unsubscribe Non-Members
- (NEW) Employees:
- (NEW) Employees Form
- (NEW) Import Employees Form
- (NEW) Migrate email addresses
- (NEW) Manage Employees Form
- Performance Improvements.
- Members:
- Security:
- General:
- Added fallback javascript to remove X-Frame scripting vulnerability for older browsers.
- Recognition Note Email:
- Restricted messages to prevent malicious javascript injections.
- Weekly Member Digest Email:
- Restricted messages to prevent malicious javascript injections.
- General:
- General:
- Version 2.2.3:
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
January 2019
- Changes:
- Updated CA Proposition 65 product data.
- Disabled autocomplete (browser dependent feature) for all fields on C partial.
- Added required indicator and validation to the D partial for city, state, and zip code fields.
- Performance Improvements:
- 1.7X performance improvement.
- Changes:
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
September 2018
- (NEW) Support for CA Proposition 65 warnings.
- Improved accessibility.
- HTML improvements.
- Performance and stability improvements.
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
August 2018
- General:
- Improved HTML styling.
- Updated technology.
- Removed unnecessary libraries.
- Improved application performance and stability.
- Forms:
- Refactored coding to improve rendering performance.
- Set the focus on the first entry field of each form page.
- Addressed an issue where, under certain conditions, the zip code label did not display on the ‘Billing Information’ page.
- Web services:
- Added ship_to.
- Added bill_to.
- Remove blank entries returned from billing_unit as a safeguard.
- General:
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
June 2018
- Updated numerous library.
- Performance and stability improvements.
- Added support for Portable Network Graphics (PNG) formatted product image files.
- Added support for JPEG formatted logo image files.
- Accessibility improvement:
- Default home page:
- Improved link contrast
- Corrected header level
- Order form:
- Changed logo alternate text to the company name.
- Added product name as alternate text to product image on the summary page.
- Default home page:
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
May 2018
- Language and numerous library updates.
- Compressed stylesheets for better performance,
- Removed support for older, unsupported browsers,
- Numerous small fixes and performance improvements,
- Addressed an issue where under certain circumstances Giftnettrack produced an invalid link.
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
April 2018
- General:
- Universal Threat Monitor (UTM) was updated to version 9.509-3
- Version
- Addressed an issue where under certain conditions, an unknown domain was treated as if it were a blocked domain.
- Addressed an issue in the Notebook on the sent tab where the sender’s email address was displayed rather than the recipient’s email address.
- Numerous small improvements to dashboard and report tooltip text.
- Version 2.2.2:
- General:
- Improved consistency of page elements
- Improved application performance and stability
- Page Header:
- Addressed an issue where, under certain conditions the logo becomes partially obscured by the page content.
- Page Footer:
- Display the support email label and link if the support_email attribute is present.
- Display the support phone label and link if the support_phone attribute is present.
- Addressed an issue where, under certain conditions the footer does not extend to the edges on tablets.
- Note Page:
- Addressed an issue where notes containing html tags could shift the note message under the viewport requiring the member to scroll.
- Addressed an issue where tooltips would not center of plus member logo.
- Registration:
- Updated to prevent unapproved emails domains registration based on the company’s allowed only and blocked domain lists.
- Addressed an issue when an already registered email address attempts to re-register, the member is taken to the default company regardless of the company to which the email address is registered.
- Addressed an issue where the required indicators on labels did not display until page reload.
- Confirmations:
- Addressed an issue where the required indicators on labels did not display until page reload.
- Sessions:
- Addressed an issue where the required indicators on labels did not display until page reload.
- General
- (NEW) ‘are you sure?’ dialog for dirty cancels.
- Profile
- Production Switch:
- (NEW) Warning dialog when subdomain_locked is false about going into production locks the subdomain.
- Dashboard/Report Designer Form:
- (NEW) Help icon on the right side of each tile with informational tooltip.
- (NEW) Index section sticky (not moveable) at top of tiles.
- Improved navigation.
- Dashboards and Dashboards:
- General:
- (NEW) “how to read” button that provides how to use the section. Only displayed when details are available.
- Addressed an issue where clicking the section top button sometimes positions the section under the navigation bar.
- Improved printing.
- Report Section Footers:
- (NEW) Section footers including a list of generated related sections with bookmark links.
- Links to Sections section:
- Updated list of sections to be sorted alphabetically.
- Improved section names.
- Overview Section:
- (NEW) cards group
- (NEW) Notes Reply Depth Section
- (NEW) Non-Confirmed Member Section
- Membership Chart:
- (NEW) Confirmed and non-confirmed plus members counts.
- Card Waterfall Chart:
- Corrected an axis labelling issue.
- General:
- (NEW) Member Management (for HR_SUPER_ADMINS):
- (NEW) Members
- (NEW) Non-confirmed Members
- (NEW) Disabled Members
- (NEW) Blocked Members
- (NEW) Non-Members
- (NEW) Disabled Non-Members
- (NEW) Blocked Non-Members
- (NEW) Account Settings (for HR_SUPER_ADMINS):
- (NEW) Basic Form
- (NEW) Advanced Form
- (NEW) Permissions Form
- (NEW) Email Setup Form
- (NEW) HR Admin Roles Form
- Production Switch:
- General
- General:
- Version
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
February 2018
- version 2.2.1:
- General:
- Improved consistency of page elements
- Improved performance and stability
- Email:
- (NEW) Customizable the subject line
- (NEW) Customizable button text
- (NEW) Optional framing around note body.
- Person Digest Mailer:
- Addressed an issue where ‘small value’ footer color codes were misrepresented.
- Updated the title tag to use the message subject field’s content.
- Reports:
- Cards section:
- (NEW) Card Details subsection (included with the Cards Section):
- (NEW) Note Open Rate section:
- Cards section:
- (NEW) Email Option Form
- Dashboard/Report Designer modal:
- (NEW) Sort by Name.
- (NEW) Sort by Comment sorting.
- Reports:
- Notebook:
- (NEW) When a person shows a note to which they are the recipient, the note’s viewed_at date is set unless it has already been set.
- Show Note page:
- Updated the page to only show the framed note (company logo, note title, if present, card, and note text).
- Removed disclaimer text.
- General:
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
January 2018
- General:
- Security patches addressing MELTDOWN and SPECTRA CPU vulnerabilities.
- Corrected Track Your Order issue
- Corrected Ecard Text Word Wrap issue
- Added white border at the bottom when video plays
- Recognition Wall Editor:
- Corrected issue with browsing and uploading video
- Corrected caching issue for non-milestone users – custom image upload
- Create sample MN email with PDF certificate as attachment
- Added redo capability to Responsive 3 layout
- Version
- Improved HTML standards compliance
- Email improvements
- Dashboard and Report Designer improvements
- Dashboard and Report improvements:
- (NEW) ‘no data available’ message when no data is available to graph.
- Improved table sorting.
- General performance and stability improvements.
- Numerous minor improvements and bug fixes.
- Version 2.2.1:
- Updated all marquees.
- Improved printing.
- Improved page styling.
- Dropped support for Microsoft IE8 and older browsers.
- General performance and stability improvements.
- General:
- Updated the “What’s New” page to agree with UI changes.
- Confirmations:
- Updated to only send confirmation emails to plus members who are not blocked or disabled, and who have not previously confirmed their email address.
- Improved placement of secondary links.
- Sessions: (login page):
- Updated ‘remember me’ to remember the plus member for up to 2 weeks.
- Prevented validation error message from appearing when clicking a link.
- Improved placement of secondary links.
- Passwords: (change password page):
- Prevented validation error message from appearing when clicking a link.
- Registrations:
- Improved validation messaging.
- Improved placement of secondary links.
- Prevented validation error message from appearing when clicking a link.
- Notebook:
- Improved printing.
- Updated Notebook sort controls tooltips to look and act like tooltips in the header.
- HR_ADMIN/Profile:
- Dashboard/Report Template form:
- Added validation for required Name field.
- Added validations for required numeric fields (Report Template only).
- Updated styling of the section tiles.
- Updated the cursor to indicate move when hovering over containing panel text.
- Updated the menu selector to keep working menu open.
- Dashboard/Report:
- Updated the menu selector to keep working menu open.
- Corrected sorting controls disappearing from table headers when the page is refreshed.
- (NEW) Visual indicator for long running operations.
- Updated styling:
- Added colored accent line above title.
- Added shadow around reports.
- (NEW) Sections can optionally be only printable.
- (NEW) Sections can optionally be only displayable on the screen.
- (NEW) link on the right header of each section to go to the page top.
- Improved printing.
- Improved performance of complex queries.
- Report:
- (NEW) index section with links to all generated sections.
- Card Section:
- (NEW) column for related sentiments.
- Sentiment Section:
- (NEW) column for related cards.
- Overview Section:
- Vertically centered titles that span multiple lines.
- Centered ‘Value’ over column.
- Address and issue causing note count to disagree with Company Domains section notes total.
- Company Domains Section:
- Improved number formatting by adding commas.
- Updated footer text to bold
- Donut/Pie Chart Section:
- Corrected tooltip and arc highlight from disappearing when the mouse passes over the arc number.
- Updated cursor to remain default when the mouse passes over the arc number.
- Updated cursor to remain default when the mouse passes over the legend text.
- Card Waterfall Chart Section:
- (NEW) Added axis titles.
- Updated the tooltip text to number of cards sent.
- Updated the cursor to remain default when passing over axis, text, and label text.
- Radar Chart Section:
- Updated the cursor to remain default when passing over axis and label text.
- Charts (general):
- Updated to be responsive.
- Centered charts vertically and horizontally in section.
- Employee:
- Corrected sorting controls disappearing from table headers when the page is refreshed.
- Dashboard/Report Template form:
- Version
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
December 2017
- General:
- Universal Threat Monitor (UTM) upgraded to version 9.506-2
- Responsive 3 UI/UX updates
- SF 117983 – NV Energy Bulk
- Recognition Wall:
- Recognition Wall Editor Responsive 3 UI/UX updates
- Version
- Addressed an issue when registering new email addresses confirmation emails were not sent.
- Addressed an issue where weekly digest email links contained malformed parameters.
- Version 2.2.0:
- Language and library updates
- (NEW) Support for HTTP/2 protocol
- Improved art quality:
- (NEW) Background image
- (NEW) Marque art
- HTML styling improvements
- (NEW) tooltips available for each card
- (NEW) Admin Link
- (NEW) Dashboards
- (NEW) Reports
- (NEW) Account setup
- (NEW) FAQ Link
- Emails:
- Improved formatting.
- (NEW) CAN-SPAM disclosure.
- Personal Digest Email:
- Fixed an issue with the link to user preferences
- Plus Member improvements:
- (NEW) member can set their time zone.
- Improved field validations.
- Notebook improvements:
- (NEW) Sort notes by date
- (NEW) Sort notes by domain/email
- (NEW) Recipient viewed note indicator
- Updated What’s New page
- Numerous bug fixes
- Version
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
November 2017
- General:
- Universal Threat Monitor (UTM) upgraded to version 9.505-4
- Responsive 3 layout updates
- Recognition Wall:
- Recognition Wall Editor Responsive 3 updates
- SF 116277 – ESR Enhancement Request – Personalized PDF
- SF 116720 – Please create sample MN email with PDF certificate as attachment
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
October 2017
- General
- Branding changes:
- Copyright owner updated
- Company name changed
- Company logo changed
- Links to marketing website updated
- Disclosures updated
- Library updates.
- Minor user interface improvements.
- General performance and stability improvements.
- (NEW) Default home page with details on how to gain access to
- Page header:
- Improved company logo placement.
- Progress bar:
- Corrected an issue where text was cut off at certain screen widths.
- (NEW) Progress bar text added to the screen for clarity on mobile devices.
- Page footer:
- Phone numbers can be clicked and will dial phone number on telephony enabled devices.
- Corrected issue where the ‘continue’ button shifts left when product image is displayed.
- Added email address format validation.
- Conditionally remove country field from address for companies only using the service in the United States.
- Conditionally remove second and third blank address lines when left blank.
- Corrected an issue where, under certain conditions, the enter/return key behaved erratically.
- Emails:
- Improved the formatting of entered phone numbers.
- Conditionally removed second and third blank address lines when left blank.
- Conditionally removed country field from address for companies only using the service in the United States.
- Branding changes:
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
September 2017
- GOL R2+ Version 1.1.1
- Performance and Stability updates
- Corrected issue affecting colors on custom UI elements
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager
August 2017
- General:
- Universal Threat Monitor (UTM) upgraded to version 9.502-4
- GOL R2+ Version 1.1
- Activated UPS address validation with suggested address corrections.
Any questions – please contact your Account Manager