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Marketing a Successful Recognition Program Launch


Creating excitement around your employee recognition program launch and ongoing marketing & communications are essential to its success.

Even the best-engineered reward, recognition, and incentive programs will be in trouble if employees aren’t connected, informed and aware of the benefits and features they bring. With segmented and remote workforces becoming the norm, effectively communicating and marketing employee rewards is increasingly important, especially when launching or relaunching a program for the first time. Important areas to consider are:

  • Developing effective program names and branding – The name you give your program and what it communicates to the workforce matters.
  • Choosing appropriate channels – In this day and age there are several ways to reach a workforce, so choose the channels that are most suited to yours.
  • Creating a strategic launch plan – Put together a launch plan that breaks down the timing and content of all communications leading up to the launch date.

Our eBook, 3 Easy Steps to Marketing a Successful Recognition Program Launch, gives you even more helpful best practice tips and tricks to making sure your new recognition program is hitting all of these marks correctly from the start.

Download it today!